Meet Chance!
100% of donations always go towards dogs in need.

Second chances
UPDATE: Chance was released from ICU to continue his recovery with his foster on August 29th. There were a few concerns, but over all he has been doing well and finally able to eat without pain or vomiting. He has been taking it slow with small meals every few hours with special prescription food made to help his sensitive gut while it heals and extra fats to help him put on weight.
He has one more week before he goes in to get his staples removed and he can't wait!
Chance still has a long road ahead - he still needs to get neutered and go through heartworm treatment before he can be ready for adoption, so we truly appreciate your support though this process.
Chance was pulled from the Pasadena Animal shelter- he was severely emaciated, heartworm positive, and in desperate need of love. Since that day, it has been a whirl-wind of heart-wrenching events. It seemed like Chance was adjusting to the start of his new life, but a few days after he started to rapidly decline. He was quickly taken to one of our trusted vets for several tests and it was finally discovered he had what they believed to be a mass or obstruction in his abdomen. After not responding to his anti-nausea injection and not being able to keep food down, it was recommend that Chance be rushed to an animal hospital for immediate exploratory surgery.
Surgery was a huge risk for Chance, but absolutely necessary for his survival. Once in surgery it was discovered that Chance had string, a baby bottle nipple, and the top of a sippy cup wrapped around his intestines. The doctor said that it was going to be difficult to remove the items without doing further damage to his intestines and the chances of his survival through surgery was unlikely.
Chance was in surgery for almost five hours and had 12" of his intestines removed, but he pulled through!!
His situation is still critical and he will need several days in the hospital to be well enough to continue his healing in his foster home. Chance has been fighting hard to make it this far and as long as he continues to fight we will fight with him.
This is where we need your help! His vet bills have already exceeded the amount our small rescue is able to cover. So we desperately need funds to continue giving Chance the quality care he needs to continue to fight for his survival.
Will you help us give Chance his second chance?